Know All about Diploma in Business Management in Malta

The objective of this diploma in business management in Malta is to provide students with contemporary business education and a solid foundation for success in a myriad of organisations. This qualification is designed to help students become business-ready- confident, and independent thinkers who have a detailed knowledge of business & management. It is one of the best business management courses in Malta and equips the learners with the skills they require to adapt rapidly to change. This diploma is ideal for students who have started or are making a switch to private or public sector business.


OTHM Level 4 Diploma in Business Management (EQF/MQF Level 5) is an Approved Foreign Higher Education Qualification and accredited by OTHM (UK) regulated by Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) and Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), which is recognised for advanced entry into corresponding degree year/top up and Bachelor’s/top-up programmes.

Regulatory Information

Qualification Title OTHM Level 4 Diploma in Business Management
Ofqual Reference Number 610/0763/8
Duration 1 year
Total Credit Value 120 Credits (60 ECTS)
Total Qualification Time (TQT) 1200 Hours
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 600 Hours
Overall Grading Type Pass / Fail
Assessment Methods Coursework
Language of Assessment English
Structure of Programme Full Time/Part Time
Delivery Mode Campus, Online & Blended


OTHM Level 4 Diploma in Business Management(EQF/MQF Level 5) represents practical knowledge, skills, capabilities and competences that are assessed in academic terms as being equivalent to Higher National Certificates (HNC) and Year 1 of a three-year UK University degree programme.

Course Structure

Unit Ref. No Unit Title RQF/MQF UK Credit/ECTS GLH TQT
H/650/1099 Academic Writing and Research Skills 4/5 20/10 100 200
L/650/1145 Business Operations 4/5 20/10 100 200
M/650/1146 Communication in Business 4/5 20/10 100 200
R/650/1147 Finance and Accounting 4/5 20/10 100 200
T/650/1148 Leading and Managing Teams 4/5 20/10 100 200
Y/650/1149 Operating in a Global Context 4/5 20/10 100 200

Assessment Procedure

All units within this qualification are internally assessed by the centre and externally verified by OTHM. The qualifications are criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes.To achieve a ‘pass’ for a unit, learners must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have fulfilled all the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria.

Entry Requirements

Candidates must hold/meet one or more of the criteria on the list below:

  • NQF/QCF Level 3 Award or at the level of GCE/GCSE or equivalent.
  • An equivalent professional qualification from a recognised institution.
  • Mature students with a minimum of two years of relevant work experience may be considered.
  • The provider will determine English Language ability if English is not your native language.
  • IELTS 4.5 or equivalent qualification is preferred.
  • This course is designed for learner’s aged 19 and above.


On passing the OTHM Level 4 Diploma in Business Management qualification(EQF/MQF Level 5) learner will be eligible to join OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Business Management qualification. Learners must pass all units to be eligible to join the Level 5 Diploma.

Term Dates

Jan/Feb, May/June, Sep/Oct

Registration Fee


Course Fee

Maltese/EU – €3900

Non-EU – €5900

Full Course Details can be found HERE

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